The creationist attempt of interference on the Education has been increasing in the 21st century, in the United States, Europe and Portugal is no exception to this problem. This investigation intended to contribute to defending biology teaching from the attempts of introducing creationism in academic programs and textbooks. In order to achieve this, it was analyzed the method of how the transposition of the theories of the origin of species has been made, as well as the transposition of the mechanisms and arguments for evolutionism into the biology textbooks of secondary education, between 1989 and 2009. The results showed that the manuals transposed several examples of mechanisms and proofs of evolution, confirming its discourse in favor of the evolutionism. However, the textbooks published after the program of 2003 were the ones showing less number of approached examples. There were presented in textbooks several theories concerning the origin and evolution of species: fixism/creationism, Lamarckism, Darwinism and neo-Darwinism. In spite of this, the creationist notion, considered to be a fixist theory, was approached only on a history of science perspective, and not as an explanatory theory about the biodiversity and origin of species, along with the evolutionist theories.
A evolução das teorias da origem das espécies nos manuais escolares portugueses de Biologia do Ensino Eecundário entre 1989-2009
Bento, I. M. J. (Author). 2012
Student thesis: Master's Thesis