A ecologia da caatinga de Gonzaga: uma educação entre a topofilia e a topofobia no semiárido Pernambucano

  • Valéria Godoi do Nascimento

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The Caatinga is the only endemic biome in Brazil and brings unique biological specimens on the planet, this fact increases its environmental importance worldwide. In this scenario of semi arid climate, we find a biome with a large anthropic presence that ends up causing harmful impacts to this ecosystem. Formal education plays a fundamental role in reversing this situation and must be based on a curriculum that addresses environmental education that aims to promote the bond of attachment and familiarity of the inhabitants of the Caatinga with their physical and natural environment, a phenomenon called topophilia. Thus, this investigation aimed to analyze the topophilic and topophobic representations of students and teachers from three public schools present in different ecoregions of the semi-arid region of Pernambuco, based on anthological works by Brazilian singer and composer Luiz Gonzaga that portray the Caatinga. The nature of this investigation is qualitative and quantitative, as a questionnaire was applied to students and semi-structured interviews were carried out with twelve teachers, both belonging to the three schools of investigated semi-arid ecoregions. The questionnaires were analyzed through SPSS statistical analysis and the interviews were analyzed through content analysis by Coutinho (2006) e Laville e Dionne (1999), having as reference works for the concept Dreyfus (2012), Garrard (2006), Tuan (2012) and others. Conclusively, the research identified the predominance of topophilic representation about the semiarid in the school institution that effectively experiences the Caatinga in its school curriculum, the opposite occurs in the school institution with greater topophobic predominance where teachers and students showed less knowledge about the Caatinga biome. Keywords: Ecology. Formal education. Caatinga biome. Topophilia. Topophobia. Luiz Gonzaga.
Date of Award2022
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMaria Neves Leal Gonçalves (Supervisor) & Carla Galego (Supervisor)


  • TID:101573472

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