A distribuição da merenda e o abandono escolar : estudo de caso em escolas do primeiro ciclo da comuna dos Ramiros, município de Belas, província de Luanda

  • Alice Sakuema Muvuma

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work is the result of a study carried out within the scope of the master’s report in Educational Sciences of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies Faculty of Social Sciences, Education and Administration of Lisbon. Aimed essentially at analyzing the relationship of the problem of school lunches on school dropouts of pupils from schools in rural areas of Angola, especially in the province of Luanda, municipality of Belas, commune of Ramiros. For the theoretical foundation and contextualization of the data in this study and construction of a scientific basis on the subject, several authors were approached, who in some ways have already addressed the same topic. Overall, the study was a comparative analysis of two schools located in the commune of Ramiros, municipality of Belas, province of Luanda. The methodology used is descriptive, fundamentally qualitative in the collection of opinions from the two principals of the schools involved and quantitative in the collection of data on school dropout in the two schools. The data collection instruments were documentary sources and interviews. Data analysis allowed us to conclude the relationship between school meals and school dropout.
Date of Award2021
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorOSCAR CONCEIÇÃO DE SOUSA (Supervisor)


  • TID:202984931

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