A (des)construção do ensino da religião e moral na escola pública : enquadramento legislativo (1910-2004)

  • Ricardo Manuel Gomes Caetano

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work aims at contributing to a better understanding of the problematic of (de)construction of the teaching of Religion and Ethics in public schools between 1910 and 2004. In this sense, the document analysis has privileged, as the main sources, the significant and structuring legal texts, promulgated by the various interim and constitutional governments. The study of the works of reference authors, protagonists of a process of suppression of the subject of Religion and Ethics in the educational system of 1st Republic, such as Adolfo Coelho, Magalhães Lima and João de Barros, contributed to a better understanding of the problem. Sociologists and historians such as Rómulo de Carvalho, Rui Grácio, Rogério Fernandes, Luiza Cortesão, Stephen Stoer and António Teodoro, contributed to the understanding of educational policies during the period under study. This study of the subject of Religion and Ethics aims at leading us to reflect on the educational policies in Portugal.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
SupervisorMaria Neves Leal Gonçalves (Supervisor) & MARIA MANUEL BRANCO CALVET MAGALHÃES GOMES RICARDO (Supervisor)



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