O estágio supervisionado e a escola de educação básica : movimentos e processos identitários junto à profissão professor

Talamira Taita Rodrigues Brito

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The Period of training Supervised in the courses of formation of professors is presented as basic condition for the formation of the professional who will work with children, young and adults in schooling processes. In the case of the Course of Pedagogy of the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), this period of training aims at to provide formative experiences for the Pedagogy’s students next to the childish Education and early Series of Basic Education. The objetive of this text is to present a little of this experience as teacher of Period of training and to point the importance, as well as the necessity of to find in the Supervised Period of training a space of identity movements next to the professor profession. Apparently it is common to wait that the period of training in fact presents as this bridge between the reality of the students of the graduation with the professional reality that they will face after their formation, however from our carried through works as orienting, supervisor and coordinator next to this disciplines, we realized that for many times it is in the Period of training, and only in the Period of training that such students got to find themselves belonging to a group that has specific knowledge, as being responsible for other citizens and they recognize themselves as participants of a process that involves other histories, other actors. It is in this environment that we intend to extend our debate. For many years in the Period of training, the students affirmed that they did not follow the carrier of professor in classroom for beliving that after the experience lived for them “they did not take skill for the thing”, “did not know to plan efficient lessons”, or “in fact they did not know to take care of children”, nor they liked the social precarious situation in which professors were and still are in it in the schools of Infantile Education and Basic Education - Initial Series in Brazil. Since 2002 the disciplines of Supervised period of training started to generate spaces of bigger Dialogues between the schools of the community, the pupils/trainees and orienting professors when we realized the responsibility that we had as teachers, beyond teaching contents destined to the knowing professors, we were also responsible for presenting the importance of a “happiness” next to its profession. The paths trodden by this discipline tried to fortify inherent questions to the being professor, to the what it is the school, to the career and the continuous learning, fondled the inherent questions to the paper of the professor for the society, to the history of the professions and tried to point out them in the condition of continuity in the identity processes next to the profession. For in such a way we appeal to a collective work next to the community of professors, pedagogical, managing, orienting coordinators of period of training and trainees in the perspetive to renew the direction of the trainee in the school, the professor regent and the proper people who orientates in this formative process. The logbooks, the weekly meetings with all the involved citizens in the process, as well as spaces for studies on the basic school/professor/work field had been essential elements in this recognition of itself. The text offers thus to a reference for works in the area, making possible the magnifying of this quarrel that lives by movements of the practice to own renew and to renew the studies of the subject in question.
Original languagePortuguese
JournalDefault journal
Publication statusPublished - 2011



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