O ensino liceal em Portugal no início do Estado Novo: Reflexões em torno do I Congresso Pedagógico do Ensino Secundário Oficial

Anabela Mimoso, Bento Cavadas

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The first years of the new regime, benefiting from an undefined political status, opposite to what could be expected, it meant to the secondary teachers the so long waited possibility of doing of a congress (expected since 1913) and their union into an association. Therefore, in 1926, it appeared the Federation of the Associations of the High Schools Teachers. After the approval of her statutes, the 1st Pedagogical Congress of the Official Secondary Education was done in Aveiro, in the following year. It was followed by four more congresses, until 1931. The 1st Congress, as same as the next ones, wasn’t only dedicated to pedagogical and scientific problems, but also to the request of the teachers rights. In the case of the 1927s Congress, there were discussed matters related to the curricular organization and the high schools paper. This work presents the results of the analysis of a unique document, the acts of the 1st Congress. Confronting that document with others sources, such as pedagogical reviews and epoch journals, this study has showed, in that period of political and social transition, the status quo of the secondary education and the teaching job.
Original languagePortuguese
Publication statusPublished - 2010



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