O discurso supervisivo : a relação entre o desenvolvimento moral e o desejo de auto-atualização

Maria José de Sá Correia

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The goal of this presentation is to try to connect moral development to the desire of selfupdating in what concerns the supervising speech. This way, we intend to show that relationships, namely power relationships, in the supervisor(s)’ – teacher(s)’ interactions are not symmetrical, since they are shaped by ideologies, which are social cognition systems (Van Dijk, 1997), specific to each group involved in that interaction and that can promote or limit the moral development and the desire of self-updating by the members of the weakest group, in terms of power. The theoretical framing will have as its basis Kohlberg’s Moral Development Model (1973, 1976), Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Needs (1970) and the postulate by the Speech Critical Analysis (SCA). An extract of a supervising interaction will be presented, analyzed and interpreted according to the scheme proposed by Fairclough (1989), in his Language and Power book.
Original languagePortuguese
JournalDefault journal
Publication statusPublished - 2011



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