International circular economy strategies and their impacts on agricultural water use

Maurício Dziedzic, Priscila Rodrigues Gomes, Marco Angilella, Abdelghani El Asli, Pia Berger, Adilia Januario Charmier, Ying Chu Chen, Ranahansa Dasanayake, Rebecca Dziedzic, Filipa Ferro, Donald Huising, Michael Knaus, Faezeh Mahichi, Fouad Rachidi, Cândida Rocha, Kevin Smith, Shunso Tsukada

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Citations (Scopus)


The concept of Circular Economy (CE) is becoming increasingly important in the pursuit of more sustainable societies. CE strategies are being applied in the sustainable management of a plethora of areas, such as energy, water, food and eco-industrial parks. The present paper focuses on the question of how CE principles can support the sustainable management of water in the agricultural sector around the world, considering different legislative environments, water resources management guidelines, environmental stressors, and CE practices. Considering these practices and circumstances, seven countries were compared: Brazil, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Portugal, and Taiwan. Together, CE experts in the seven countries developed a set of 44 criteria to assess each of these areas. Broader establishment and respect of water resources legislation was found to be strongly correlated with lower agricultural water use. While the application of CE practices was found to not be correlated with lower consumption, this is still novel in most countries. Based on the studied countries, it can be concluded that a global CE agenda has not been reached for water resources. Further application and variety of practices is required to better represent the impact of CE on a national scale, but local success stories could support the wider application of CE in agriculture. The findings and the framework of the study can be applied to other countries in directing CE strategies for more sustainable water use in agriculture. Increasing CE implementation, motivated by legislation and better management can help ensure water security throughout nations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100504
JournalCleaner Engineering and Technology
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors


  • Agricultural sector
  • Environmental impacts
  • Legislation
  • Water resources
  • Water security

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