Escola-família: aprendendo juntas… um compromisso de futuro

Maria da Conceição Lemos de Jesus Pereira

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The complex social transformations which characterize the atual historical moment puts the contemporary school on new challenges that require appropriate answers by the educational agents. So we developed an investigation project named School-Family: learning together… a commitment of future, in which this essay is inserted. The education, the real school mission, needs to be herald of a happiness impregnated with culture and with fair and harmonious social relationships; marked by the capacity to imagine and feel the passion for life. It’s required an education capable to go beyond the traditional academic goals, prosecutor of a humanistic culture, with a clear pedagogical intention, giving meaning to the path – educate and guide the view to the optimism, to the positive look, to the competence by the requirement, to the different. Aware that school and family embrace a common project – the education of students, project which is too complex and hard to be carried only by one setor, we developed a collaboration work very close to the families, convinced that from it depends the success of any strategy to develop with students. Trying to find personalized solutions to answer the real need of improvements on the educational success of students, thinking about the ending of obligatory education and having an integral education and a more responsible and ative social citizenship as target, we develop the childcare project School-Family: learning together… a commitment of future. The methodological option for investigation-action as a way of participated investigation that seeks finding shared solutions to real problems of a community, in a pedagogical perspetive, transforms into a participant investigation, with the participation of families, in a democratic logic of equality defense. The participants make part of the process at the same level of the investigator, in a path of corresponsibility and proximity, fostering the significant and permanent learning of each and every one, raising the level of human development and promoting the social citizenship.
Original languagePortuguese
JournalDefault journal
Publication statusPublished - 2011



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