Configuração mediática dos acontecimentos do ano

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Through memory, past events, lived within public experience by a historic community, may be remembered and rebuilt. Memory reports to what happened before, to things that passed and that someone declares to remember. Starting with a reflexion about event, time, memory, memory social frames, we aim to approach “events of the year” posing questions regarding the meaning, mediatically, socially and symbolically, of the media selection of the events of the year, their acquisition of such a status and the entire process of re-elaboration and mediatic transmission of a social memory. We aim to understand if there is an upgrade of significance, a new status and meaning given to the selected events of the year and if the balances of the year built by the media work today as an appropriation mechanism of the chronological time and the construction of the collective memory.
Original languagePortuguese
JournalCaleidoscópio : Revista de Comunicação e Cultura
Publication statusPublished - 2011



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