Biblioteca escolar em rede e sua contribuição para novas práticas de aprendizagem

Cide Lourenço Rodrigues

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This essay aims to reflected the contribution of the school library and its resources on the construction of the school knowledge. In the information society context and the new demanding and available technologies, we pointed out the role of the school library as a multifunctional-learning resource centre. So, this essay is a research work and a reflection, whose primordial intention consists on recognizing the need, in the nowadays society of information, of doing our best to create a new educational culture, a new paradigm that promote the supervision, the knowledge and the learning skills in the school library. Nowadays, the school, the knowledge and the new learning are inside the library. The school must be for life-long-learning and must not be for school long learning. The school library is more than just a room of books, magazines, CD-ROMs, computers and Web recourses. The school library is a workplace where pupils learn how to learn, it´s a school media centre and a web informationlearning-knowledge centre that boosts student achievement and the off focus life-long-learning. The school librarian must be the supervisor, the coordinator, the consultant, the group leader and the evaluator of the school library, as a web information-multifunctional-learning-resources centre, just called a knowledge and cognitive centre.
Original languagePortuguese
JournalDefault journal
Publication statusPublished - 2011



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