A apropriação nos novos media e a (I)maturidade dos videojogos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The creative potential of analog and digital media is often subjugated in the process of artistic game development and ignored in many training courses that are focus on the commercial strategy to present the curricula in the context of new technologies and products. This work is an analysis of how some game examples seek references in other media to position themselves in a disruptive way, looking for a visual elegance, new game mechanics and not only on an appropriation of entertainment industry production processes. We propose through the references of the games Framed (Loveshack, 2014), Old Man Journey (Broken Rules, 2017), Serial Cleaner (Curve Digital Games) or Monument Valley (Ustwo Games, 2014), to seek for relations with other media more recognized in the universe of the arts, such as comics and animation, to highlight a creative strategy that aims to be disruptive in game development.
Original languagePortuguese
JournalRevista Lusófona de Educação
Publication statusPublished - 2018



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