Project Details


This project addresses this issue of putting pedagogical theory into practice to improve the quality of initial teacher training and produce more confident teachers who are less likely to leave the profession early.

The developed resources and the adopted methodology are based on a PedPack for schools, which was developed by the UK National Strategies over a decade ago, but not widely taken up at the time due to policy changes. The topics are based on whole school strategies, rather than subject specific approaches, to implement pedagogical theory in practice. This project provides updated digital resources in 5 key areas to improve the delivery of ITE and support teachers in their early years to both make the teaching profession more attractive and reduce the drop-out rate due to pressure.
Effective start/end date1/11/1831/10/20

Collaborative partners

  • (lead)
  • edEUcation Ltd
  • University of Primorska
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe


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