Generating bodies: from aggression to insurgency. Contributions to a decolonial pedagogy

Project: Research

Project Details


The project is centered on the black and Afro-descendant population residing in Portugal, which is subject to multiple forms of racial discrimination, highlighted in the 2012 UN report (UNReport, 2012), such as inequalities in access to education, public services, employment, racial profiling in the justice system and police violence. In the last 5 years, this situation has worsened, calling for the renewal of studies on citizenship, education

and cultural diversity from a perspective of human rights and cognitive justice. The guiding line of this project is the place that bodies take on as whistleblowers of otherness, how they support the construction of discriminatory practices and their consequent expressions of identity insurgency.
Effective start/end date1/01/2331/12/25

Collaborative partners

  • (lead)
  • Associação Cultural Pantalassa
  • Djass Associação de Afrodescendentes
  • Associação Cultural AFROLIS
  • Centro de Formação de Escolas António Sérgio
  • Externato Frei Luís de Sousa
  • Escola Secundária de Camões (Liceu Camões)


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