Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
The Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Lusófona University of Porto (FDCP-ULP), recently restructured, is an organic unit of this University that brings together undergraduate and master's degree in the different scientific areas that give it its name.
In the 2016/7 academic year, the Faculty will have three 1st Cycles in:
- Right;
- Political Science and Election Studies;
- European Studies, Lusophones Studies and International Relations;
and also the 2nd Cycle in:
- Law (Masters), with the variants of Legal-Business Sciences and Legal-Publicistic Sciences.
All courses are accredited by A3ES and have faculty wholly made up of professors with a university career, most of whom are doctors.
The 1st and 2nd Cycles in Law cover the traditional teaching of Legal Sciences, with a special focus on the organization and functioning of justice in Portugal, which we consider to deserve particular attention and for which a jurist has to be specially prepared and dedicated.
The 1st Cycle of Political Science and Electoral Studies combines training in theory, philosophy and classic and contemporary political history, reinforced with specialization in electoral studies and research. The Faculty thus intends to complement traditional teaching training - which we also provide - with an innovative area that is very close to the job market.
The 1st Cycle in European Studies, Lusophones Studies and International Relations is a degree course in International Relations of a broad spectrum, where subjects are learned that are usually far from these training offers. Thus, the particular look at the themes of the European Union and Lusófona enable students in areas of great relevance and practical and professional interest.
The Faculty of Law and Political Science dedicates special attention to research and scientific dissemination, having magazines, publishing books, holding conferences, congresses and other events involving professors and students, thus contributing , for the creation of an academic community of its own, but also open to the outside, very attentive to the surrounding reality of its areas of training and knowledge.
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Data.PT: Jean Monnet Module
Biason, A. (Researcher), TAVARES, A. M. L. (Researcher), Castela, E. (Researcher), FONSECA, M. D. G. A. D. E. D. C. M. A. D. (Researcher), Moniz, J. C. S. B. (Researcher), Aguiar, J. N. V. D. Q. (Researcher) & MENDES, M. A. F. (Researcher)
31/08/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
SALUDPYR: Law in front of Digital, Personalized and Robotic Healthcare
Godinho, I. F. (Researcher), Bergareche , R. L. (Researcher) & Membrado , C. G. (Researcher)
1/09/23 → 1/09/27
Project: Research
Comentário do acórdão Correia de Matos c. Portugal do TEDH na perspetiva da discriminação de grupos profissionais
Maia, C. & Mendel, R., 30 Jun 2024, In: Revista Juridica Portucalense. 35, p. 12-24 13 p.Translated title of the contribution :Commentary on the ECHR´s Correia de Matos v. Portugal judgment from the perspective of discrimination of professional groups Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Impact of international student mobility in rural Portuguese regions
Aguiar, J., Tavares, O. & Sin, C., 1 Jan 2024, In: International Journal of Educational Research. 127, 102439.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
3 Citations (Scopus) -
Liberdade de expressão e juízos de valor: o caso Almeida Arroja c. Portugal
Godinho, I. F. & da Silva, C. F., Dec 2024, Liberdade de Imprensa em Portugal e na Europa. 1.ª ed. UCP Editora, p. 381 389 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Portugal closes electoral campaign for legislative elections with uncertain prognosis
1 item of Media coverage
Mário de Andrade's 'Pauliceia' makes brazil's desvairadas changes think
1 item of Media coverage