Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
Organic Unit dedicated to teaching and research in the fields of Political Science, Sociology, Security, International Relations, Education and Museology, in the various Study Cycles.
The Faculty of Social Sciences, Education and Administration (FCSEA) at Universidade Lusófona is an Organic Unit that includes a Department, two Institutes and four Research Centres. The Department and the Institutes include Functional Units, where 21 degree-granting courses are taught, seven from the 1st Cycle, twelve from the 2nd Cycle and two from the 3rd Cycle. FCSEA seeks to provide its students with intellectual and scientific autonomy, preparing them for the challenge of creativity and innovation and providing them with scientific and technical-professional knowledge and skills not only in their respective areas of expertise, but also in the wider scope of Social Sciences and Humanities, promoting interdisciplinarity dynamics.
FCSEA invests in research for teaching and scientific innovation, seeking to integrate into networks with a view to a richer and more effective intervention in the national and international scientific scene.
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Parada, F. A. G. D. S. A. (Researcher) & Lourenço, F. (Researcher)
31/12/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
Data.PT: Jean Monnet Module
Biason, A. (Researcher), TAVARES, A. M. L. (Researcher), Castela, E. (Researcher), FONSECA, M. D. G. A. D. E. D. C. M. A. D. (Researcher), Moniz, J. C. S. B. (Researcher), Aguiar, J. N. V. D. Q. (Researcher) & MENDES, M. A. F. (Researcher)
31/08/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
The political and civic participation of social workers: a democratic political-ideological project for social work
Marques, J. F. (Researcher)
1/06/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Adapting doctoral education to an evolving knowledge landscape: insights from Portugal
Cardoso, S. & Videira, P., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Higher Education.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Adequar a formação pós-graduada às exigências do mercado laboral: mapeamento das necessidades formativas de interventores/as sociais
Garcia, A. P., Gameiro, F., Ferreira, P. I. M., Marques, J., Ramalho, N. & Bracons, H., 2024, III Congresso Internacional 2023 - Humanismo, Direitos Humanos e Cidadania. Serrão, J., Neves Gonçalves, M., Bracons, H. & Brás, J. (eds.). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, p. p. 113-125Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution › peer-review
Open Access -
A exigência cognitiva do currículo dos primeiros anos de escolaridade em Portugal: uma análise comparativa
Leite, T. & Valente, B., 2024, In: Revista Lusófona de Educação.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Open AccessFile
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) (External organisation)
Lopo, T. P. D. M. C. T. (Chair)
Feb 2024Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Revista Lusófona de Educação (Journal)
Lopo, T. P. D. M. C. T. (Editor), Bernardo, L. M. (Editor) & Bart, D. (Editor)
Jun 2022 → May 2023Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work
Education Policy Analysis Archives (Journal)
Lopo, T. P. D. M. C. T. (Reviewer)
2022 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication Peer-review
2º lugar | Melhor poster apresentado no II Congresso de Assistentes Sociais da Macaronésia (Funchal)
Ramalho, N. A. (Recipient), 15 Mar 2016
3º lugar | "World Social Work Photo Competition"
Ramalho, N. A. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Other distinction
Tese revela que a interação com colegas homens leva mulheres a abandonar cursos da área STEM
Farias, S. S.
1 Media contribution
‘If there is another crisis, Portugal and Greece will suffer more’
1 item of Media coverage
Estudo revela limitações nas metodologias de investigação realizadas em escolas durante a pandemia COVID-19
Thomas Dotta, L. & Santos, A. F.
1 Media contribution